Constipation can be an uncomfortable and frustrating experience, but there are several effective ways to relieve it quickly while on the toilet. Here are practical tips:
- Adjust Your Sitting Position: Elevate your feet using a small stool or a stack of books to create a squatting position. This posture aligns the rectum for easier bowel movements.
- Relax and Breathe: Stress can worsen constipation. Take deep, slow breaths to relax your abdominal muscles and help the process.
- Massage Your Abdomen: Gently massage your lower abdomen in a circular motion to stimulate your intestines.
- Stay Hydrated: Drink a glass of warm water before sitting on the toilet. The warmth can stimulate bowel activity.
- Use Natural Remedies: If the above methods don’t work, try a glycerin suppository or a gentle over-the-counter enema to get immediate relief.
Remember, if constipation persists, consult a healthcare professional to address underlying issues.